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中央政府門戶網(wǎng)站 m.nakedoat.com   2013年03月04日   來源:全國政協(xié)十二屆一次會議新聞中心網(wǎng)站











    1. 北京友誼賓館


    2. 北京鐵道大廈


    3. 北京貴賓樓飯店




    CPPCC Group Meetings Open to Journalists From Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Countries on March 4, 2013


    Work Report of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC);Work Report of Handling Proposals of the CPPCC National Committee


    Groups to open and Venues:

    Kuntai Hotel

    The All-China Women’s Federation (19th Group), Sports Circle (43rd Group)


    Groups to open and Venues:

    (1)Beijing Friendship Hotel

    Ethnic Minorities (49th Group)

    (2) Beijing Railway Hotel

    Literature and Art Circles (26th Group, 27th Group, 28th Group)

    (3) Grand Hotel Beijing

    Specially Invited Figures from Hong Kong (53rd Group),

    Specially Invited Figures from Macao (54th Group)

    Press Group

    Secretariat of the 1st Session

    12th CPPCC National Committee

    March 3, 2013 

· 向著壯麗的"中國夢"進發(fā)—寫在兩會時刻開啟之際
· 兩會倒計時:十二屆全國人大一次會議準備就緒
· 兩會授權(quán)發(fā)布:十一屆政協(xié)提出今后五年工作建議
· 兩會授權(quán)發(fā)布:十一屆政協(xié)提案已辦復(fù)26583件
· 參加全國兩會的代表委員呼吁不要帶“毒”的GDP
· 強化維穩(wěn)力量 西藏營造良好氛圍迎接兩會召開